Tuesday 31 October 2017

2017 NT Cultural Immersion Trip to Chiang Mai

NT School visited Chiang Mai this year on a NT Cultural Immersion Trip where the Sec 2 and Sec 3

Day 1 - Did not take many photos as it was very dark by the time we reached the campsite (Northern Study Center). Luggage were loaded from the coach to small trucks as the road were too narrow for the coach to drive in. Many were happy that they bought their snacks and food at Big C supermarket before that. I was really surprised that they can get up at 12am and 2am to eat supper!!

Day 2 - The kids started the day understanding why the Northern Study Centre was built. We started with the handicraft part of the tour. In the morning, the students got to try out various activities like paper making, clay model making and wood carving. We had lunch and proceeded to making the krathong. We also made our dessert for dinner - Bamboo sticky rice. Everyone had their fill of dessert that night.
Unfortunately we are informed that we cannot release the lanterns that night as the airport is too near and the authorities were not able to close down the air traffic just for us.

Day 3 - Morning was spent understanding the farming and agriculture part. Students learned how the locals rear frogs for sale/consumption using recycle tyres as the frogs' home (condo). They also learn how oyster mushrooms were grown there. The students then learnt how rice was planted and what are the natural predators in a rice plantation. They also understand how the Thai farmers use natural remedies to get rid of these predators. (Part of their Science syllabus)
The highlights of the day was to get to do rice planting. Everyone had fun doing their 'foot spa'. 
In the afternoon, we visited an orphanage and got to play with the children there. Unfortunately as it was a school day, all the older children were still in school and were not back yet.
We visited a night market after dinner where everyone bought their gifts.

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